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Heroes of sport and life returned home 

10 September 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

Apparently, everything comes to an end when athletes embrace glory on the most demanding podiums in the world. But an intimate joy always awaits them: returning home, to the multiplied love of all loved ones, from fans to family. On their return, the welcome of the people, like a human medal, surpasses the shine of the metal medals.The 24th place winner, with six gold medals, three silver medals, one bronze and several stories to be remembered, the Cuban Paralympic delegation participating in the Paris-2024 event returned to the homeland yesterday.Once again, the legend Omara Durand Elías, and the superstar Robiel Yankiel Sol, in athletics, descended from the plane with the flag in their golden hands, as the heralds of a new dawn determined to contradict the fall of the afternoon, after fulfilling the commitment to bring four of the titles won.The woman who learned to fly on the tracks, surrounded by the presence of family members, highlighted, on behalf of her companions, "the great satisfaction of having made our people happy as an expression of our eternal gratitude to Fidel, who made an inclusive, humanist and value-based sport a reality.""Dignity, dedication, the will to win will always be applauded by our followers as the greatest of our triumphs," he expressed with gratitude to all the people, "from the humblest worker of our schools," essential to achieve such meritorious results.The president of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder), Osvaldo Vento Montiller, underlined the response of the athletes "to the political decision of assigning them the indispensable resources in the midst of the intensification of a blockade that does not even stop at the nobility of an activity like this. This delegation was moved by their example, talent, gratitude and fidelity."The performer Tomasita Quiala, another champion over the difficulties and the "sticks" of life, moved the competitors and all those present with her witty tenths, born out of admiration for the feats accomplished in the capital of France.The event was attended by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, together with the members of the Political Bureau, Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People's Power; Manuel Marrero Cruz, prime minister; and Salvador Valdés Mesa, vice president of the Republic; as well as other leaders.