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Chronicle of extermination, first year 

07 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Every day Gaza loses dozens of its children under the blanket of unlimited cruelty. Photo: Al Mayadeen 

To make a people disappear, to persecute them and evict them from their own land, to sow fear and the anxiety of bombs over their heads, death in every meter, in every minute...Until exactly one year ago, the most terrible images of such a hell in the contemporary world were reminiscent of the holocaust imposed on a large part of Europe by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. However, since October 2023, others have overshadowed them: those of Israel's ongoing crime against Palestine, the scene of one of humanity's greatest genocides.In the last 12 months, following the armed incursion of Hamas and the disproportionate military offensive by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, the death toll in the coastal enclave has reached more than 41,600 Palestinians, according to reports by Arab authorities.Other data confirming the massacre are - according to the NGO Intermón Oxfam - the more than 6,000 women and 11,000 children killed in the Zionist attacks.Such is the desire for destruction demonstrated by Benjamin Netanyahu's government that Action on Armed Violence estimates that until September 23 there was an average of one attack every three hours on civilian infrastructure with explosive weapons.Records reveal that Israeli explosive weapons hit an average of one home every four hours, one temporary tent or shelter every 17 hours, one school or hospital every four days, and one aid distribution point or warehouse every 15 days.Only 17 of the 36 hospitals are still partially functioning, and none of them have sufficient fuel, medical supplies and drinking water.Is it possible to review with calm compliance these chilling facts of a war so bloody that, however much the aggressor may want to argue that it is selective against the Hamas military, it is clear for all to see that there is no way for it to exclude innocent civilians?With the exception of six days last November - due to a so-called humanitarian pause - Gaza has had only two days in a whole year in which it has not felt the desolating sound of bombs. Every day it loses dozens of its children, under fire, under the rubble, under the blanket of unlimited cruelty.On the other side of the world, the greatest promoter of today's wars, the United States government, does not blush to recognize the unconditional sponsorship it provides to the Zionist regime, knowing the sure market that the Middle East, a place of human death, is providing to its arms industry, when Israel has decided to set it on fire in all directions: Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Yemen....The technological development of communications has allowed this war to be transmitted live before the eyes of humanity, and therefore there are not too many niches for the manipulation of information to complement the massacre: in sight the lifeless children, the mutilated bodies, the collapsed buildings over entire families buried alive, the survivors surrounded by disease and hunger, the hopeless hope?And there in the great hall that, supposedly, was created to bring the world to agreement, so that sanity would rise above the irrational, all hands, except two, have been raised against the obvious genocide. However, it is already known that the un is not the authority to silence the drums of war, when the United States are available, even to support the crime of its armed wing in the Middle East.