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Strong rejection of U.S. complicity with violence against Cuba 

07 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Photo: Cubadebate

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly rejects a new act of complicity of the United States with terrorist violence against Cuba.The U.S. judicial authorities have decided to release Alexander Alazo, the individual who on April 30, 2020, in the middle of the street, fired 32 rounds of ammunition from a machine gun at the Cuban Embassy in that country, where seven people were present.This event, in a central avenue of Washington, the U.S. capital, against a diplomatic headquarters and with the declared objective of causing damage, would qualify in any country as a terrorist act. This is not the case in the United States and even less so when it is a violent action against Cuba. The Government of that country has refused at all times to qualify that act as what it is, and at no time did it intend to prosecute the perpetrator as a terrorist, despite the fact that the nature of his acts are explicitly typified in the U.S. legislation against that scourge.The history of the U.S. government as an executor or tolerant accomplice of terrorism and violent acts against Cuba is well known. The protection and backing of notorious terrorists is part of that country's record.A U.S. Government psychiatric expert, in agreement with the defense lawyers, ruled that Alazo was not "criminally responsible" at the time of carrying out the aggression, so he was found not guilty, even though his actions show that he is a danger to society, as had already been stated in another opinion before the court.The authorities of the justice system of that country preferred to ignore the evidence of Alazo's links and contacts with groups and individuals based in the south of the state of Florida, with aggressive antecedents against Cuba, including the promotion of violence and terrorism.Cuba is a victim of organized terrorism, financed and executed from U.S. territory, with the heartbreaking experience of 3,478 Cuban fatalities and 2,099 injured and disabled. The country has a firm and categorical position against this scourge, including State terrorism, and has the duty to demand from the U.S. Government a serious, responsible and honest conduct when an act of this nature is committed against the Cuban Embassy and the Cuban personnel appointed there.Havana, October 4, 2024.