The Workers’ Central Union of Cuba (CTC in Spanish) denounced the recent inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism, arbitrarily drawn up by the U.S. Government.
This measure has the purpose of "undermining the sovereignty, peace and welfare of the Cuban people", by intensifying the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade that has been trying to suffocate the Revolution for more than 60 years.
"We are solidarity, never terrorists," the organization stressed in a communiqué in which it also referred to the difficulties faced by the Cuban people, a product of the hostile and arbitrary policy of the administration of the North.
"The working class is one of the hardest hit by so much imperial arrogance and, at the same time, one of the social sectors with more pride for the resistance of its men and women in these very hard years", emphasizes the message.
It also underlines the international rejection of the cruel and genocidal policy against the Island, demonstrated in the successive votes that have taken place for more than three decades in the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the solidarity work developed worldwide by Cuba in health, education and sports.
The CTC thanked the solidarity of the international working class, coming from organizations such as the World Federation of Trade Unions, the Hands Off Cuba Committee, based in the United States, the Paris Rotativists, as well as the general workers' unions of France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Venezuela and Panama.
"The president who has returned to the White House is the same one who, using lies and manipulation in a media war that does not cease, in addition to tightening the blockade against the Cuban people, tried to annihilate them by multiple means, including depriving them of oxygen, masks and other resources to face a lethal pandemic," stresses the statement of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC), which rejects the arbitrary measures recently taken by the U.S. administration.
In that sense, the statement refers to the page of heroism written by Cuba, which, in the midst of the pandemic and under U.S. siege, "achieved vaccines of proven effectiveness, which continue to deserve worldwide admiration, despite the slanderous propaganda of the same nation that was far from being able to handle the pandemic as its own people needed, and that has been an accomplice or co-sponsor of monstrosities such as the genocide in Palestine".
The UPEC also rejected the statements regarding Cuba, and remarked the freedom achieved in 1959 "against a tyranny supported by the empire that Trump represents today".
The text reaffirmed the will of the Cuban people to continue confronting imperialist forces and aspirations. "If they will achieve anything, it will be to ratify it in the decision to overcome any obstacle that stands in their way and to do everything necessary for the collective good".