There is a moment of solitude in the serious exercise of Journalism: that moment, whatever the media, when words are chosen, because behind them are the ideas, the hierarchy, the arguments... No one who has exercised this profession as a dignified and loving assignment has been able to escape from the responsibility that weighs, and elevates.
Because, even in moments of dialogue with himself, when no one can replace the reporter in the interpretation of what he saw, read or studied, he is sustained by his principles, respect for the truth and for a people to whose welfare he owes; as well as a long tradition of defending the Island, with haughtiness.
Within that heritage is placed, in the highest place, that newspaper with the most luminous name possible: Patria, and whose founding date has been chosen to celebrate the Cuban Press Day, just because it aspires to that exercise of combat, commitment, balance and beauty.
Many names could be mentioned next to Martí's; the press has been in this piece of humanity an instrument of honor and beauty: Juan Gualberto, Mella, Pablo de la Torriente, Guillén, Carpentier, Fidel... How many men and women have not told the history of the Revolution from a daring, uncomfortable, lucid and, above all, ethical journalism?
Journalists themselves have been the first critics of the press, as well as the drivers of its transformation, in pursuit of the collective aspiration that the country of the media be like the real country: with its wounds and victories; and that the journalistic word alert, propose, shake.
A press of aesthetic height, of analytical depth, of kindness and rigor, Cuba deserves no less: therein lies the vigilance of a humble guild, which persists in the face of many gales. For reporters, editors, directors, cameramen, photojournalists, designers... Journalism is a passion that can be felt or not, and for which it will always be necessary to give everything.