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Homeland: Communicating for Resistance and Triumph 

18 March 2025
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

As a scenario of self-recognition, articulation and learning of the best practices to, from political communication, contribute to the resistance and triumph of the peoples, and stimulate critical and emancipating thought, the 4th International Colloquium Patria began yesterday in Havana.
The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, attended the inauguration of the event -right in the place where the ashes of student leader Julio Antonio Mella rest-, which evoked the 20th anniversary of the multi-state channel Telesur, founded by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, and by the Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, to whom the Colloquium is dedicated.
The meeting - which brings together more than 200 guests and more than one hundred Cuban communicators and experts - addresses the challenges of digital communication, artificial intelligence, and the benefits and risks of the interconnected world.
One of the objectives of Patria is to generate proposals for the ethical and liberating use of communication and information technologies, as well as to address the emancipatory potential of the networks, with the unity of the Global South.
Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Party, Inés María Chapman Waugh, Deputy Prime Minister, and other leaders of the Party and the Government were present at the opening ceremony.