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Government projections and accountability in the analysis of the Council of State 

17 September 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Photo: Tony Hernández

The Council of State of the Republic of Cuba analyzed the fulfillment of the schedule of the implementation process of the Government's measures to correct distortions and boost the economy in the year 2024, in an ordinary session that was headed by the president of this body, Esteban Lazo Hernández; and with the participation of Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, both members of the Political Bureau.Marrero Cruz stressed that, since the last session of the Cuban Parliament held in July of this year, the work system has been maintained with constant follow-up from the government's economic group on the implementation of the approved actions, as well as in the analysis of new proposals.

Photo: Tony Hernández

He also pointed out that progress has continued to be made in the projections aimed at reactivating national production, the generation of foreign currency income for the country, the macroeconomic stabilization program, budgetary discipline, the reduction of the fiscal deficit, the promotion of exports and the reduction of imports, the strengthening of the socialist state enterprise - as the main actor of the Cuban economy -, the process of bankarization, among other issues of impact on the population and the country's economy.For his part, Esteban Lazo shared the actions to be developed by the parliamentary commissions in support of the Government's projections in order to, from their advisory work to the National Assembly and the Council of State, and from the system of People's Power, contribute to the approved measures.Subsequently, the members of the Council of State approved the Decree Laws "On the Cuban Sign Language" and "On the Extinction of the National Institute of Social Security".ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE DELEGATE TO HIS CONSTITUENTSThe rendering of accounts is an eminently political, democratic, participatory and singular exercise; an essential pillar of the Cuban political system; in which the people participate actively and directly, as genuine protagonists, in the management of the State and the Government, from their own small homeland, in the neighborhood and the community, Esteban Lazo argued about this important exercise.The Secretary of the Council of State, Homero Acosta Álvarez, informed that more than 65,000 accountability meetings are expected to be held throughout Cuba; at the same time, he shared the actions contemplated in the program of guidelines and the timetable at national, provincial and municipal levels for the effective development of this process.At the session, the Council of State approved the proposal of clarifications to the Plan of Issues of the meetings of this body in the months of October to December, which are in correspondence with issues of great interest to the population and on the economic and social scenario of the country.

Photo: Tony Hernández