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Epilogue of a new imperial failure 

04 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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CARACAS, Venezuela.— Recently, while the General Debate of the 79th Ordinary Session of the UN was in session in New York, bombs were falling in Gaza and thousands of innocent children and adults were being killed, “with the complicity of the governments of the United States and the European Union.”This horrifying reality is, according to the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, “the greatest crime of extermination and genocide since that perpetrated by Hitler in World War II.” However, such “threat to humanity and peace” is not the only one on whose threads the empire puts its poisonous hand.”The Chancellor denounced how they intend to take the war to Russia, after the defeat in Ukraine; he asserted that NATO “threatens peace in South America, with the installation of military bases”, for which they count on the complicity of the governments of Argentina and Ecuador.”He also affirmed that “from the territory of the U.S. attacks, assassination attempts, destabilizations and aggressions against sovereign peoples, such as Venezuela” are planned. At the same time, Washington “includes Cuba, without any basis whatsoever, in a spurious list of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism.”The empire and its lackeys did not take kindly to being told the truth to their faces, and in parallel to the annual diplomatic meeting, the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, organized a meeting in which he urged to “maintain collective pressure in the months prior to the presidential inauguration” in Venezuela, scheduled for January 2025.From this meeting at the margin of the UN, 31 countries issued a joint Communiqué in which they showed their “concern” for the Homeland of Bolivar and Chavez. In the text they say they respect “the democratic principles and the exercise of human rights in that country,” however, they do not recognize “the transparency and integrity of the electoral process” held on July 28.”They speak of “abuses and violations of human rights” by the Venezuelan State, and assume as peaceful the violent demonstrations that, with their support, were led by the ultra-right after the Chavista victory in the elections, which they still do not recognize.”    In the face of this interference affront, the Bolivarian Government responded with a rejection to this “accumulation of infamies, distortions and coup aspirations, whose epilogue will be, as always, a resounding failure.“In this ridiculous communiqué they pretend to invoke the defense of the human rights of the Venezuelan people while they attack them with almost a hundred illegal coercive measures, and plan terrorist actions against their authorities, public services in institutions, to disregard their democratic will and impose, as in 2019, a new puppet.”In the response document, the Bolivarian Republic insists that it has always been and will always be respectful of international law, and assures that the U.S. headquarters in Caracas remains intact, despite the fact that Venezuelan diplomatic spaces in New York and Washington were stolen and are in disrepair.“Venezuela will not be intimidated”. It is evident, and as usual, they tear off - based on irrefutable arguments - the mask of defenders of humanity that those responsible for millions of crimes in the world try to maintain by force.