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Cuba will continue in combat 

22 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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The steps in the prioritized attention to the two contingencies the country is going through will be permanently communicated to the people. Photo: Estudios Revolución

"We continue in combat, we continue working in the attention to these two important situations that put an exceptional condition in the lives of Cubans; and we will be permanently in contact with our people in the same measure in which we are advancing in the attention to these problems."

The phrase, shared this Monday afternoon by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, has to do with the two contingencies that weigh on the Cuban people: the energy emergency, and the impacts left by the passage of the weather phenomenon Oscar.

"We have just held the analysis meeting that at two moments of the day we are doing, as part of the follow-up to the exceptional situation that our country is experiencing, which as we explained yesterday to our population, is based on two fundamental events that are putting us in a major strain on the lives of Cuban men and women."

He then spoke of "the electrical emergency we have been experiencing in recent days", and of the effects caused by "Hurricane Oscar, which became a tropical storm as it passed through the eastern provinces".

On the first issue, Díaz-Canel stated that "there is a remarkable progress at this moment; there is more than 36% of the service restored, operating with stability, and steps continue to be taken, and in the next few hours the levels of service to the population will be increased.

"Already in the city of Havana we have more than 90 % of the services worked, and now we are looking to increase the service levels in the rest of the provinces, and especially to attend with particularity the problems of the eastern provinces".

The President commented that, in relation to the energy emergency, we are going to two moments: "A first moment is that in the next few hours we will be overcoming this emergency from the point of view of the disconnection event, and we will then enter a stage of managing the deficits that will remain - which was the situation we were living before the first disconnection process, and which we aspire to be able to work in a way in which the availability of fuel, and a whole group of negotiations that have been carried out with friendly countries, will allow us to be in better conditions, to gradually reduce the generation deficits".

The Cuban President warned that this is "a major task in the economic and financial conditions that the country is going through, caused -I repeat once again- by the tightening of the blockade against Cuba, and by the inclusion of our country in the list of terrorist countries".

Regarding the cyclonic event, the dignitary declared that the first information has already begun to arrive, after its passage through the territory of the eastern region. "We want to inform the population that the affectations are severe at this moment in the province of Guantánamo, with which we have maintained permanent communication. It must be said that the municipalities of San Antonio and Imías have been strongly hit by this event, and there have even been flooding levels that were not historically registered in these two areas.

"Unfortunately, from the preliminary information we have, there was a loss of six human lives in the municipality of San Antonio; and we are still doing the rescue work of the population, to continue evaluating the possible damages of the impacts, because there are areas that are totally flooded, which we have not yet been able to enter."The Head of State highlighted "the support given by the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior to save the population". He praised that these important institutions took part in the actions of rescue and care and protection of the population: "Therefore, in the next few hours we will have more precise news about the situation of these two places".


"We wanted - the president said - to also give additional information to our population, which has to do with the Brics Summit, which is going to be held during the 23rd and 24th, in (the Russian city of) Kazan.

"This is an important event, to which the Brics member countries have summoned more than 30 nations, in order to strengthen the Brics' foundational precept of expanding cooperation with the South. In other words, there is an orientation of this integration bloc towards the countries of the South".

Díaz-Canel said that "it is a great honor for Cuba to be able to participate in this Summit. We had already participated in the South Africa Summit, representing the Group of 77 and China, in which we held the pro tempore presidency at that time. Once again, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin - who is currently presiding over the Brics - invited Cuba to be present at this event.

"And it means an enormous opportunity, an important opportunity for Cuba to participate in it, taking into account the historical relations we have with the Brics countries."

The dignitary made reference to the recent request made by Cuba, in its "aspiration to be approved as a partner country within the Brics", and added that in that bloc "we feel a very favorable environment".

A country like ours, he stressed, "which has been constantly besieged by imperial policy, enduring an intensified blockade, an inclusion in a spurious list of countries that supposedly support terrorism, finds in the Brics an environment of inclusion, an environment of equality, an environment of cooperation and collaboration, an environment of solidarity, on the basis of projects that are developed between the Brics countries and the countries of the South".Speaking of Cuba as a nation included in that South, and within the framework of the Brics, the President spoke of the Caribbean country within a context "in conditions of mutual benefit and with a truly inclusive projection, where the aspects of multilateralism are defended and also the aspiration to change the unjust international economic order that prevails in the world today, and which responds to the interests of the imperialist powers".

In allusion to the purposes of the important bloc, the President spoke of an effort "based on the creation of an economic and commercial cooperation structure, which does not use the dollar as currency, which takes into account the complementarities that may exist among the different countries, and which may take advantage of all the potentialities.

"In other words, a space in which President Xi Jinping of China also called for five initiatives that have to do with the construction of a global community of shared future, a global community of security, a global community also to share the advances in science and innovation, among other aspects. Therefore, it was an event in which we were going to participate at the highest level of the country".

Díaz-Canel explained to reporters that, "when this electrical emergency situation arose, and the cyclone alarm, we decided not to participate and to remain here in the country, to be at the forefront, together with the leadership of the Government, together with the rest of the Party leadership and all the effort that our people are making to face both the electrical emergency situation and the recovery from the damages caused by hurricane Oscar".

He emphasized that "we are going to be worthily represented", because "the Cuban delegation is headed by our Foreign Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, member of the Political Bureau, comrade Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla.

"This is an event where we were also going to have the possibility of meeting and having interviews, working meetings with important world leaders - such as the esteemed presidents of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin; the president and general secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping"; as well as "the leaders of the delegations of Vietnam and other friendly countries, including the Brics countries".

The Cuban President assured that "an important part" of these exchanges could take place; and "that Cuba's participation will also have an important impact and transcendence in this event".