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Claudia Sheinbaum arrives with all of them: “I call on you to continue making history” 

02 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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MEXICO CITY.— Early in the morning, the people and a large group of reporters waited outside the house of Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, south of the capital, who would soon be sworn in as the nation's dignitary. Amidst the logical tension of the wait, voices could be heard shouting "President", or simply "Claudia".Children, teenagers, women and men of all ages waited in front of the gate. Media cameras and cell phones waited. At the stroke of half past ten (local time), the car carrying the woman who would be inaugurated as the first President in the history of Mexico came out.A human world rushed over the car. "Congratulations, President", could be heard. The caravan drove slowly, in the midst of the citizens, the press, and the law enforcement officers who were trying to do their job in the best way possible. Destination: the Legislative Palace of "San Lazaro", where this October 1st the Ceremony of Transmission of Command of the Federal Executive Power of the United Mexican States took place.CEREMONY OF SWEARING IN, VINDICATION AND EMOTIONSAt the Legislative Palace, among the delegations from 105 countries was that of Cuba, headed by its President, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, who yesterday met with Claudia Sheinbaum. The friendly dignitary congratulated her on behalf of the Cuban people and government, and wished her much success in the construction of the second floor of the Fourth Transformation.Andrés Manuel López Obrador also arrived at the Legislative Palace. What Amlo provoked with his entrance -wearing the Presidential Sash- was a real maelstrom: they hugged and kissed him, they took pictures with him, they barely let him move forward. Natural, smiling, so simple, he walked among many happy and grateful compatriots.After 11 o'clock in the morning, Claudia, accompanied by her husband, was received on the steps of the Palace, where she arrived to be sworn in as President. She is the 66th in this responsibility.In addition to the 105 countries present, 23 international organizations and some 400 representatives of the media attended this historic Tuesday.Claudia went up to Amlo, who gave her a big hug and a kiss. The Doctor took the oath of office as President of the Republic before the Congress of the Union."Honorable Congress of the Union, people of Mexico, I protest to keep and uphold the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws that emanate from it, and to perform loyally and patriotically the office of President of the Republic, which the people have conferred upon me". She declared that she would do so for the good and prosperity of the Union: "And if I do not do so," she said, "may the nation demand it of me."The Doctor placed her arms crossed over her chest, and when she placed the Presidential Sash on her body, the room was filled with an ovation.CARESSING SELF-ESTEEM, MESSAGE TO THE NATIONIn her message to the nation, she thanked the 105 countries for their presence, which, she said, is a reflection of Mexico's commitment to the international community and of the friendship "that unites us with all peoples.The dignitary mentioned, one by one, each dignitary present, or their representatives. The audience reacted with great respect to each name, and when President Díaz-Canel's name was heard, a greeting from the crowd was felt in the hall, full of special affection.In the first words of a speech that lasted about 50 minutes, Claudia referred to López Obrador. "History and the people have judged him: Andrés Manuel López Obrador, one of the greats." Amidst applause and cheers, she addressed her compatriot as "the most beloved President, only comparable to Lázaro Cárdenas"; the one who started the peaceful revolution of the Fourth Transformation of Mexico's public life.She reminded Amlo of the wish, expressed by him, that no busts inspired by him be unveiled, nor any street named after him, nor any monuments be erected. Claudia Sheinbaum then reasoned: The truth is that there is no need because you will always be in the space of those who fight all their lives, you will always be in the heart of the people of Mexico.In another moment, she said to the outgoing dignitary: "Thank you, thank you, thank you forever. It has been an honor to fight with you. Farewell brother, friend, comrade, Andrés Manuel López Obrador." And in the room echoed the phrase: "It is an honor to be with Obrador."The dignitary dedicated beautiful ideas to her beloved Mexico, highlighting that they were already a great civilization, because of their wisdom and advanced manifestations in all areas, before the Spaniards arrived. In another part of her message, she defended the full rights of the indigenous and Afro-American peoples in Mexico.Today, October 1st, 2024 -she said- begins the second floor of the Fourth Transformation of Mexico's public life. She emphasized that, for the first time, "we women are here to lead the destinies of our beautiful nation; and I say we are here because I am not alone: we are all here."Mexico is a wonderful country, it is an extraordinary people -she said-, and in an emotional enumeration, she spoke of the country that gave the world a Hidalgo; the one that had a Morelos, a Vicente Guerrero, a Guadalupe Victoria, a Josefa Ortiz. She spoke of the Mexico of Juárez, of the workers, of Zapata, of so many other great ones?Mexico is made up of free women and men who, throughout the 20th century, fought for democracy and justice, he said.Regarding what happened in the years of work that preceded her, she asked everyone to reflect on what has been done; to analyze how it is that 9.5 million people came out of poverty in only six years; how it is that the country is one of the least indebted and with the lowest unemployment rates. The answer -she affirmed- lies in the change of the country's development model, of having gone from the failed neoliberal regime to one that went to Mexican humanism.For the good of Mexico, we are going to continue with Mexican humanism, with the Fourth Transformation, he said. Referring to foreign policy, she referred, among other objectives, to the path of strengthening economic and cultural relations with the countries of Our America.She affirmed that all welfare programs will be maintained; that decisions will be made to take care of elderly women and children; and affirmed that health and education are rights of the Mexican people, not privileges or merchandise.Claudia shared details of the new government's goals, among them, to continue building housing; to expand the Mayan Train line; to make a transition towards renewable energy sources; to advance towards food sovereignty and self-sufficiency; to undertake an ambitious circular economy project; to guarantee water as the nation's resource; to clean up the country's most polluted rivers; and to make Mexico "a scientific and innovation power."In the area of security, she stated: "We will guarantee the reduction of high impact crimes". Our conviction, she said, is that security and peace are the fruits of justice.TIME FOR TRANSFORMATION, TIME FOR WOMENThe people were very clear when they said that it is time for transformation and it is time for women, said the President in her speech. She said that for a long time women "were annulled"; girls listened to stories about how men made history.Today we know -she emphasized- that women have done great deeds in the history of Mexico. And further on she wanted to recognize not only the well-known heroines of the Homeland, but also the anonymous ones, the invisible ones. She mentioned the indigenous women, the domestic workers, the great-grandmothers who did not learn to read or write, the aunts, all those who, from the home, from the streets or their workplaces, "fought to see this moment". "They are arriving, all of them, who thought us free and happy", Claudia affirmed with pride and serenity; and she emphasized: The people of Mexico are arriving with us; empowered women and men; the Transformation gave them dignity, and no one will ever be able to take it away from them again. "I am a mother, grandmother, scientist, and woman of faith; and from today, by the will of the people of Mexico, the Constitutional President of the United Mexican States",