Local News

Popular participation is key in the correction of distortions and in the revitalization of...

In several territories there have been good experiences in local production. Photo: ACNUR Since the last session of this...

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When a lawyer and revolutionary raised his voice for justice 

Photo: Drawing by Antonio Canet.  Fidel Castro interpreted the nature of law, on the side of life and human dignity. Wh...

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An agent infiltrated in Batista 

The Investigations Bureau, months before being demolished. Photo: ACRC Archive. Photo: Granma One of the most ruthless r...

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Neither bombs nor permanent aggression will be enough to break hope 

15 October 2024

Photo: José Manuel Correa The lords of war, which is the horror of the peoples, are indifferent to children, women and ...

Fighting for Palestine is fighting for humanity 

15 October 2024

Photo: José Manuel Correa “They ripped away my right to live in my country. Today we are all Gaza; hatred does no...

Photovoltaic solar parks in Cuba: a project based on science and innovation 

15 October 2024

Photo: Estudios Revolución One of the greatest challenges facing the National Electric System (SEN) is to eliminate the...

What is a branch for subversion? 

14 October 2024

Edmundo Gonzalez. Photo: Getty Images In commercial jargon, a branch is an entity that is part of a parent company, but ...

Peace is urgent, Prize or no Prize 

14 October 2024

Monument to the victims of the atomic bomb, in the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Photo: JOURNEY TO HERITAGE  It is commend...

The Foreign Assistance Act, a powerful chain against Cuba 

14 October 2024

The laws and regulations underpinning the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba have remained in...

Tourism potential of eastern Cuba captivates Spanish and Portuguese tour operators 

12 October 2024

Getting to know tourism potential and products is the route followed by 300 tour operators from Spain and Portugal throu...