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Israeli aggression in the Middle East must be stopped 

03 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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A peace assault is needed in the Middle East. Photo: Moro Photo: Granma

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba observes with great concern the events in the Middle East, motivated by the aggressive policy of the State of Israel, with the military, logistical and political backing of the U.S. government, all of which has led to a dangerous escalation, has further compromised regional stability and security and has provoked Iran's response.Almost a year after the savage genocide of the Zionist government against the Palestinian people, and as a demonstration of its utter disregard for the principles established in the UN Charter, the Israeli government, instead of seeking a negotiated solution that would guarantee a ceasefire, has lashed out and intensified its irresponsible aggression against Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba has been warning of the danger of further escalation in the Middle East as a result of these actions and the aggressiveness and impunity with which Israel acts.Cuba, while expressing its solidarity with the nations attacked by Israel, calls for peace and negotiations for an immediate ceasefire to avoid further escalation of a conflict that has already cost the lives of tens of thousands of people and has aggravated the humanitarian crisis to alarming levels in the populations of the region.We emphasize our commitment to justice and international law. We reiterate that peace will only be possible in the Middle East through a comprehensive, lasting and just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which contemplates the creation of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Likewise, the entry of Palestine as a full member of the UN should be guaranteed without further delay. Havana, October 1st, 2024.