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General Espinosa 

01 October 2024
This content originally appeared on Granma - Official voice of the PCC.
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Posthumous tribute to Army Corps General Ramón Espinosa Martín Photo: Estudios Revolución

The modesty, dedication and unconditional devotion to the homeland of Army Corps General Ramón Espinosa Martin are enough qualities for the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, and the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez, to lead the posthumous tribute to the loyal revolutionary who died on September 24, last Saturday morning.In silence, firm as Espinosa was, with solemnity as the only attribute, his comrades of the Political Bureau and his family members stood in the Granma hall of the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (Minfar) to pay tribute to him, just where his ashes were laid to rest.

Posthumous tribute to Army Corps General Ramón Espinosa Martín Photo: Estudios Revolución

Raúl and Diaz-Canel were joined by the president of the National Assembly and the Council of State, Esteban Lazo Hernández; the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz; the secretary of Organization of the Party Central Committee, Roberto Morales Ojeda; the Vice President, Salvador Valdes Mesa; the heads of Minfar and the Ministry of the Interior, Army Corps General Álvaro López Miera and Major General Lázaro Alberto Álvarez Casas, respectively. Also present was the Vice Prime Minister, Commander of the Revolution Ramiro Valdés Menéndez.The Army General was the first to place a white rose in front of the urn and, after the brief stay, as a well-deserved recognition to the brilliant service record of the former First Vice Minister of the Far, followed the tribute of the President and the other comrades. Raúl also went to greet the family, a heartfelt gesture that was multiplied in each of the attendees.The ceremony, intimate and simple, in the measure of good men, was also a tribute to the young man who joined the revolutionary struggle at a very early age, to the Hero of the Republic of Cuba and of Labor, to the courageous man of Cabinda, to the leader of the Eastern Army for more than 26 years.

Photo: Estudios Revolución

It was an offering to the noble military man, loved by the people, whom we saw in recent times, after the passage of meteorological phenomena, lead the recovery of many territories, and was at the forefront of strategic plans for the economic development of the country.Guarded by white flowers and by the various decorations received, very close to the flag, topped with a black ribbon as a sign of mourning, lie the ashes of General Espinosa, whose career confirms, as Martí said, that death is not true when the work of life has been well fulfilled.